ICSMM 2024 Keynote & Invited Speakers

Prof. John Mo
(Fellow of IME and IEA)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
John P. T. Mo is Professor of Manufacturing Engineering and former Head of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering at RMIT University, Australia, since 2007. He has been an active researcher in manufacturing and complex systems for over 35 years and worked for educational and scientific institutions in Hong Kong and Australia. From 1996, John was a Project Manager and Research Team Leader with Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for 11 years leading a team of 15 research scientists. John has a broad research interest and has received numerous industrial research grants. A few highlights of the projects include: signal diagnostics for plasma cutting machines, ANZAC ship alliance engineering analysis, optimisation of titanium machining for aerospace industry, critical infrastructure protection modelling and analysis, polycrystalline diamond cutting tools on multi-axes CNC machine, system analysis for support of complex engineering systems John obtained his doctorate from Loughborough University, UK and is a Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK) and Institution of Engineers Australia.

Prof. Ninshu Ma
Osaka University, Japan
Professor Ninshu MA received his doctoral degree in Engineering from Osaka University in 1994 and went on to work for 21 years as a professional consultant in the field of computer-aided engineering at Japan Research Institute (JRI). Now, he is working as a professor at JWRI. Therefore, he has a comprehensive viewpoint in both industry and academic fields. Furthermore, he is a leader of the Global and Industrial Collaborative Research Center for Computational Welding Science (CCWS) to establish a framework of the computational welding science with the rapid progress in computer technology to meet various demands from the industry. He has more than 300 international papers related to computational welding science.

Assoc. Prof. Ratchatin Chancharoen
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Dr. Ratchatin Chancharoen is currently an Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He received his BS degree in mechanical engineering from Chulalongkorn University in 1991, MS degree in mechanical engineering from Oregon State University in 1994, and PhD degree in mechanical engineering from Chulalongkorn University in 2000. Dr. Ratchatin Chancharoen has twenty years experience in robotics research including both manipulators and mobile robots and ten years in teaching both Robotics and Mechatronics at the university level. During these years, he has designed and built more than twenty robots in various configurations and published more than 20 research papers and one text book entitled “Linear Control Systems” (in Thai). He is principal investigator and co-investigator of a number of research grants in robotics and also the manager of a number of industrial projects in design and control. His major research activities involve tele-operation and control of robotics manipulators and mobile robots using various kinds of sensors, especially force and vision. His current research is the design a telerobot, a new type of robot, to work closely with human to do a higher level of tasks. The telerobot is designed with lighter frame, less power consumption, small footprint controller, and higher level of intelligence, compared to the industrial robot, to safely work in our working space. This type of robot will be populated in the near future as more complex tasks are demanded. His main research interests are in the field of Robotics and Mechatronics including new parallel robot configuration, new hardware processor, electronics, control algorithm, and intelligence.
ICSMM 2023 speakers are as below:
Prof. Steven Y. Liang
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Prof. Sarawut Rimdusit
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
Prof. Shinji Takeoka
Waseda University, Japan |
ICSMM 2022 speakers are as below:
Prof. Steven Y. Liang
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Prof. Kwang Leong Choy
Duke Kunshan University, China |
Prof. Zongjin Li
Macau University of Science and Technology, China |
Prof. Shinji Takeoka
Waseda University, Japan |
ICSMM 2021 speakers are as below:
Prof. Feng Xing
Shenzhen University, China |
Prof. Kwang Leong Choy
University College London, UK |
Prof. Hui Pan
University of Macau (UM), China |
Prof. Shen-Ming Chen
National Taipei University of Technology |
Prof. Han-Yong Jeon
Inha University, South Korea |
ICSMM 2020 speakers are as below:
Prof. Zikang TANG
University of Macau, China |
Prof. Jiaping LIU
Southeast University, China |
Prof. Shen-Ming Chen
National Taipei University of Technology |
Prof. Guoxing Sun
University of Macau, China |
ICSMM 2019 speakers are as below:
Prof. Shen-Ming Chen
National Taipei University of Technology |
Prof. Zongjin Li
University of Macau (UM) |
Prof. Sergei Alexandrov
Beihang University, China |