ICSMM 2022 | Bangkok, Thailand
ICSMM 2022 was successfully held in Bangkok, Thailand & Online during November 22-24, 2022. The conference program consists of 4 keynote speeches, and 8 oral sessions (6 onsite sessions & 2 online sessions). Participants from over 18 countries attended the conference and made their wonderful speeches. Thank you all for your participation!
ICSMM 2022 Conference Photos Overview

Opening Remarks made by Prof. Parames Chutima, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Steven Y. Liang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Shinji Takeoka, Waseda University, Japan

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Kwang-Leong Choy, Duke Kunshan University, China

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Zongjin Li, Macau University of Science and Technology, China

Session Group Photos

Online Group Photo