ICSMM 2020 | Virtual Conference
ICSMM 2020 was originally planned to be held in University of Macau. During the special period, ICSMM 2020 was held successfully online during November 20-22, 2020. It's really a special and unforgettable experience. Thank you all for your participation!
Key Engineering Materials: Volume 891. [ISBN: 978-3-0357-1789-1]
The volume is online now, the online link is: https://www.scientific.net/KEM.891

ICSMM 2020 papers have been indexed by Ei Compendex!

ICSMM 2020 papers have been indexed by Scopus!

ICSMM 2020 Conference Photos Overview

At the beginning, conferece chair: Prof. Zongjin Li (University of Macau) made the opening remarks and announced ICSMM 2021 will be held in University of Macau during November 19-21, 2021!

Keynote speeches started after opening remarks. The session consists of 4 excellent keynote speeches, which was chaired by Prof. Zongjin Li.

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Jiaping LIU, Southeast University, China
Speech Title: Influence of Chemical Admixtures on Microstructure and Properties of Concrete – Recent Advance

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Zikang TANG, University of Macau (UM), China
Speech Title: Perovskite Microdisk for Coherent Light Emission

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Shen-Ming Chen, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Speech Title: Synthesis and Fabrication of Carbon Allotropes (Graphene, Carbon nanotubes) Supported Metal Sulphides Nanocomposites for the Applications of Electrochemical Sensor, Biosensor, and Energy Storage Devices

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Guoxing Sun, University of Macau (UM), China
Speech Title: Application of Polymer Nanocomposites

Special Group Photo