ICSMM 2021 | Virtual Conference
ICSMM 2021 was originally planned to be held in University of Macau. Becaue of tightened travel restriction, ICSMM 2021 was held successfully online during November 19-21, 2021. It's really a special and unforgettable experience. Thank you all for your participation!
Material Science Forum: Volume 1058. [ISBN: 978-3-0364-1024-1]
The volume is online now, the online link is: https://www.scientific.net/MSF.1058

ICSMM 2021 papers have been indexed by Scopus!

ICSMM 2021 Conference Photos Overview

At the beginning, conferece chair: Prof. Zongjin Li (University of Macau) made the opening remarks, Prof. Shen-Ming Chen (National Taipei University of Technology) gave the welcome address!

Keynote speeches started after opening remarks. The session consists of 5 excellent keynote speeches, which was chaired by Prof. Zongjin Li and Prof. Shen-Ming Chen.

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Kwang Leong Choy, University College London, UK
Speech Title: Nanostructured materials and process innovation to address materials hand application challenges

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Feng Xing, Shenzhen University, China
Speech Title: A Microcapsule Technology Based Self-healing System for Marine Concrete Structures

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Hui Pan, University of Macau (UM), China
Speech Title: Design of Materials for Multi-functional Applications/p>

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Shen-Ming Chen, National Taipei University of Technology
Speech Title: Synthesis and Fabrication of Carbon-based Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Sensor, Biosensors, and Energy Storage Devices

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Han-Yong Jeon, Inha University, South Korea
Speech Title: Analysis of Processing Parameters of Liquid Crystal Polymer Blend hfor Fiber Composition and Spinning
Best Presentation Winners
☆ Session 1 BP
Title: A flexible Multi-channel Hollow CNT/carbon Nanofiber Composites with S/N co-doping for Sodium/potassium Ion Energy Storage
Daming Chen and Jian Chen
Southeast University, China
Title: Experimental Study of Cellular Lightweight Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns using Hydraulic Cement
Nanthana Bokkhunthod, Jaksada Thumrongvut, Jeerasak Supromwan and
Sittichai Seangatith
Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Thailand
☆ Session 2 BP
Title: In-situ Monitoring of Internal Defects by a Laser Sensor for CMT Based Wire-arc Additive Manufacturing Parts
Z Wang, S Zimmer-Chevret, F Léonard, C Bourlet and G Abba
University of Lorraine, France
☆ Session 3 BP
Title: Pulsed Electrodeposition and Sonicated Cold Development for High Performance Plasmonic Sensing
Landobasa Y M Tobing, Aaron Mueller and Daohua Zhang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
☆ Session 4 BP
Title: An Approach to Reduce Strength Loss of Rubber Concrete
Haolin Su
Elite Knowit Education Technology Co., Ltd., China