ICSMM 2019 | National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
ICSMM 2019 was successfully held in National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan during November 18-20, 2019.
Solid State Phenomena: Volume 305. [ISBN: 978-3-0357-1657-3]
The volume is online now, the online link is: https://www.scientific.net/SSP.305

ICSMM 2019 papers have been indexed by Ei Compendex!

ICSMM 2019 papers have been indexed by Scopus!

ICSMM 2019 Conference Photos Overview

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Shen-Ming Chen (Left) Keynote Speaker: Prof. Zongjin Li (Right)

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Sergei Alexandrov (Left) Keynote Speaker: Prof. Xiaoheng Liu (Right)